* @constructor
* Sk.builtin.object
* @description
* Constructor for Python object. All Python classes (builtin and user-defined)
* should inherit from this class.
* @return {Sk.builtin.object} Python object
Sk.builtin.object = function () {
if (!(this instanceof Sk.builtin.object)) {
return new Sk.builtin.object();
return this;
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.__init__ = function __init__() {
return Sk.builtin.none.none$;
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.__init__.co_kwargs = 1;
Sk.builtin._tryGetSubscript = function(dict, pyName) {
try {
return dict.mp$subscript(pyName);
} catch (x) {
return undefined;
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin._tryGetSubscript", Sk.builtin._tryGetSubscript);
* Get an attribute
* @param {Object} pyName Python string name of the attribute
* @param {boolean=} canSuspend Can we return a suspension?
* @return {undefined}
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericGetAttr = function (pyName, canSuspend) {
var res;
var f;
var descr;
var tp;
var dict;
var getf;
var jsName = pyName.$jsstr();
tp = this.ob$type;
Sk.asserts.assert(tp !== undefined, "object has no ob$type!");
dict = this["$d"] || this.constructor["$d"];
//print("getattr", tp.tp$name, name);
// todo; assert? force?
if (dict) {
if (dict.mp$lookup) {
res = dict.mp$lookup(pyName);
} else if (dict.mp$subscript) {
res = Sk.builtin._tryGetSubscript(dict, pyName);
} else if (typeof dict === "object") {
res = dict[jsName];
if (res !== undefined) {
return res;
descr = Sk.builtin.type.typeLookup(tp, pyName);
// otherwise, look in the type for a descr
if (descr !== undefined && descr !== null) {
f = descr.tp$descr_get;
// todo - data descriptors (ie those with tp$descr_set too) get a different lookup priority
if (f) {
// non-data descriptor
return f.call(descr, this, this.ob$type, canSuspend);
if (descr !== undefined) {
return descr;
// OK, try __getattr__
descr = Sk.builtin.type.typeLookup(tp, Sk.builtin.str.$getattr);
if (descr !== undefined && descr !== null) {
f = descr.tp$descr_get;
if (f) {
getf = f.call(descr, this, this.ob$type);
} else {
getf = descr;
res = Sk.misceval.tryCatch(function() {
return Sk.misceval.callsimOrSuspendArray(getf, [pyName]);
}, function(e) {
if (e instanceof Sk.builtin.AttributeError) {
return undefined;
} else {
throw e;
return canSuspend ? res : Sk.misceval.retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow(res);
return undefined;
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericGetAttr", Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericGetAttr);
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonGetAttr = function(self, pyName) {
var r = Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericGetAttr.call(self, pyName, true);
if (r === undefined) {
throw new Sk.builtin.AttributeError(pyName);
return r;
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonGetAttr", Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonGetAttr);
* @param {Object} pyName
* @param {Object} value
* @param {boolean=} canSuspend
* @return {undefined}
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericSetAttr = function (pyName, value, canSuspend) {
var objname = Sk.abstr.typeName(this);
var jsName = pyName.$jsstr();
var dict;
var tp = this.ob$type;
var descr;
var f;
Sk.asserts.assert(tp !== undefined, "object has no ob$type!");
dict = this["$d"] || this.constructor["$d"];
if (jsName == "__class__") {
if (value.tp$mro === undefined || value.tp$name === undefined) {
throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(
"attempted to assign non-class to __class__");
this.ob$type = value;
this.tp$name = value.tp$name;
descr = Sk.builtin.type.typeLookup(tp, pyName);
// otherwise, look in the type for a descr
if (descr !== undefined && descr !== null) {
f = descr.tp$descr_set;
// todo; is this the right lookup priority for data descriptors?
if (f) {
return f.call(descr, this, value, canSuspend);
if (dict.mp$ass_subscript) {
if (this instanceof Sk.builtin.object && !(this.ob$type.sk$klass) &&
dict.mp$lookup(pyName) === undefined) {
// Cannot add new attributes to a builtin object
throw new Sk.builtin.AttributeError("'" + objname + "' object has no attribute '" + Sk.unfixReserved(jsName) + "'");
dict.mp$ass_subscript(pyName, value);
} else if (typeof dict === "object") {
dict[jsName] = value;
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericSetAttr", Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericSetAttr);
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonSetAttr = function(self, pyName, value) {
return Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericSetAttr.call(self, pyName, value, true);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonSetAttr", Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonSetAttr);
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.HashNotImplemented = function () {
throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("unhashable type: '" + Sk.abstr.typeName(this) + "'");
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.tp$getattr = Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericGetAttr;
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.tp$setattr = Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericSetAttr;
// Although actual attribute-getting happens in pure Javascript via tp$getattr, classes
// overriding __getattribute__ etc need to be able to call object.__getattribute__ etc from Python
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__getattribute__"] = Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonGetAttr;
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__setattr__"] = Sk.builtin.object.prototype.GenericPythonSetAttr;
* The name of this class.
* @type {string}
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.tp$name = "object";
* The type object of this class.
* @type {Sk.builtin.type|Object}
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$type = Sk.builtin.type.makeIntoTypeObj("object", Sk.builtin.object);
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$type.sk$klass = undefined; // Nonsense for closure compiler
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.tp$descr_set = undefined; // Nonsense for closure compiler
/** Default implementations of dunder methods found in all Python objects */
* Default implementation of __new__ just calls the class constructor
* @name __new__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__new__"] = function (cls) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__new__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, false);
return new cls([], []);
* Python wrapper for `__repr__` method.
* @name __repr__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__repr__"] = function (self) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__repr__", arguments.length, 0, 0, false, true);
return self["$r"]();
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__format__"] = function (self, format_spec) {
var formatstr;
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__format__", arguments.length, 2, 2);
if (!Sk.builtin.checkString(format_spec)) {
if (Sk.__future__.exceptions) {
throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("format() argument 2 must be str, not " + Sk.abstr.typeName(format_spec));
} else {
throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("format expects arg 2 to be string or unicode, not " + Sk.abstr.typeName(format_spec));
} else {
formatstr = Sk.ffi.remapToJs(format_spec);
if (formatstr !== "") {
throw new Sk.builtin.NotImplementedError("format spec is not yet implemented");
return new Sk.builtin.str(self);
* Python wrapper for `__str__` method.
* @name __str__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__str__"] = function (self) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__str__", arguments.length, 0, 0, false, true);
return self["$r"]();
* Python wrapper for `__hash__` method.
* @name __hash__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__hash__"] = function (self) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__hash__", arguments.length, 0, 0, false, true);
return self.tp$hash();
* Python wrapper for `__eq__` method.
* @name __eq__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__eq__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__eq__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$eq(other);
* Python wrapper for `__ne__` method.
* @name __ne__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__ne__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__ne__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$ne(other);
* Python wrapper for `__lt__` method.
* @name __lt__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__lt__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__lt__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$lt(other);
* Python wrapper for `__le__` method.
* @name __le__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__le__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__le__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$le(other);
* Python wrapper for `__gt__` method.
* @name __gt__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__gt__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__gt__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$gt(other);
* Python wrapper for `__ge__` method.
* @name __ge__
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @instance
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["__ge__"] = function (self, other) {
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__ge__", arguments.length, 1, 1, false, true);
return self.ob$ge(other);
/** Default implementations of Javascript functions used in dunder methods */
* Return the string representation of this instance.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @name $r
* @memberOf Sk.builtin.object.prototype
* @return {Sk.builtin.str} The Python string representation of this instance.
Sk.builtin.object.prototype["$r"] = function () {
return new Sk.builtin.str("<object>");
Sk.builtin.hashCount = 1;
Sk.builtin.idCount = 1;
* Return the hash value of this instance.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @return {Sk.builtin.int_} The hash value
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.tp$hash = function () {
if (!this.$savedHash_) {
this.$savedHash_ = new Sk.builtin.int_(Sk.builtin.hashCount++);
return this.$savedHash_;
* Perform equality check between this instance and a Python object (i.e. this == other).
* Implements `__eq__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to check for equality.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if equal, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$eq = function (other) {
if (this === other) {
return Sk.builtin.bool.true$;
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
* Perform non-equality check between this instance and a Python object (i.e. this != other).
* Implements `__ne__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to check for non-equality.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if not equal, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$ne = function (other) {
if (this === other) {
return Sk.builtin.bool.false$;
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
* Determine if this instance is less than a Python object (i.e. this < other).
* Implements `__lt__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to compare.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if this < other, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$lt = function (other) {
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
* Determine if this instance is less than or equal to a Python object (i.e. this <= other).
* Implements `__le__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to compare.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if this <= other, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$le = function (other) {
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
* Determine if this instance is greater than a Python object (i.e. this > other).
* Implements `__gt__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to compare.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if this > other, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$gt = function (other) {
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
* Determine if this instance is greater than or equal to a Python object (i.e. this >= other).
* Implements `__ge__` dunder method.
* Javascript function, returns Python object.
* @param {Object} other The Python object to compare.
* @return {(Sk.builtin.bool|Sk.builtin.NotImplemented)} true if this >= other, false otherwise
Sk.builtin.object.prototype.ob$ge = function (other) {
return Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$;
// Wrap the following functions in Sk.builtin.func once that class is initialized
* Array of all the Python functions which are methods of this class.
* @type {Array}
Sk.builtin.object.pythonFunctions = [
"__repr__", "__str__", "__hash__",
"__eq__", "__ne__", "__lt__", "__le__",
"__gt__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__",
"__setattr__", "__format__"
* @constructor
* Sk.builtin.none
* @extends {Sk.builtin.object}
Sk.builtin.none = function () {
this.v = null;
Sk.abstr.setUpInheritance("NoneType", Sk.builtin.none, Sk.builtin.object);
/** @override */
Sk.builtin.none.prototype["$r"] = function () { return new Sk.builtin.str("None"); };
/** @override */
Sk.builtin.none.prototype.tp$hash = function () {
return new Sk.builtin.int_(0);
* Python None constant.
* @type {Sk.builtin.none}
Sk.builtin.none.none$ = new Sk.builtin.none();
* @constructor
* Sk.builtin.NotImplemented
* @extends {Sk.builtin.object}
Sk.builtin.NotImplemented = function() { };
Sk.abstr.setUpInheritance("NotImplementedType", Sk.builtin.NotImplemented, Sk.builtin.object);
/** @override */
Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.prototype["$r"] = function () { return new Sk.builtin.str("NotImplemented"); };
* Python NotImplemented constant.
* @type {Sk.builtin.NotImplemented}
Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.NotImplemented$ = new Sk.builtin.NotImplemented();
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.none", Sk.builtin.none);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.NotImplemented", Sk.builtin.NotImplemented);