Source: function.js

 * @namespace Sk.builtin

 * Check arguments to Python functions to ensure the correct number of
 * arguments are passed.
 * @param {string} name the name of the function
 * @param {Object} args the args passed to the function
 * @param {number} minargs the minimum number of allowable arguments
 * @param {number=} maxargs optional maximum number of allowable
 * arguments (default: Infinity)
 * @param {boolean=} kwargs optional true if kwargs, false otherwise
 * (default: false)
 * @param {boolean=} free optional true if free vars, false otherwise
 * (default: false)
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgs = function (name, args, minargs, maxargs, kwargs, free) {
    var nargs = args.length;
    var msg = "";

    if (maxargs === undefined) {
        maxargs = Infinity;
    if (kwargs) {
        nargs -= 1;
    if (free) {
        nargs -= 1;
    if ((nargs < minargs) || (nargs > maxargs)) {
        if (minargs === maxargs) {
            msg = name + "() takes exactly " + minargs + " arguments";
        } else if (nargs < minargs) {
            msg = name + "() takes at least " + minargs + " arguments";
        } else {
            msg = name + "() takes at most " + maxargs + " arguments";
        msg += " (" + nargs + " given)";
        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(msg);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgs", Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgs);

 * Check arguments to Python functions to ensure the correct number of
 * arguments are passed.
 * @param {string} name the name of the function
 * @param {number} nargs the args passed to the function
 * @param {number} minargs the minimum number of allowable arguments
 * @param {number=} maxargs optional maximum number of allowable
 * arguments (default: Infinity)
 * @param {boolean=} kwargs optional true if kwargs, false otherwise
 * (default: false)
 * @param {boolean=} free optional true if free vars, false otherwise
 * (default: false)
Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen = function (name, nargs, minargs, maxargs, kwargs, free) {
    var msg = "";

    if (maxargs === undefined) {
        maxargs = Infinity;
    if (kwargs) {
        nargs -= 1;
    if (free) {
        nargs -= 1;
    if ((nargs < minargs) || (nargs > maxargs)) {
        if (minargs === maxargs) {
            msg = name + "() takes exactly " + minargs + " arguments";
        } else if (nargs < minargs) {
            msg = name + "() takes at least " + minargs + " arguments";
        } else {
            msg = name + "() takes at most " + maxargs + " arguments";
        msg += " (" + nargs + " given)";
        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(msg);

 * Check type of argument to Python functions.
 * @param {string} name the name of the argument
 * @param {string} exptype string of the expected type name
 * @param {boolean} check truthy if type check passes, falsy otherwise
Sk.builtin.pyCheckType = function (name, exptype, check) {
    if (!check) {
        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(name + " must be a " + exptype);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.pyCheckType", Sk.builtin.pyCheckType);

Sk.builtin.checkSequence = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null &&$subscript !== undefined);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkSequence", Sk.builtin.checkSequence);

 * Use this to test whether or not a Python object is iterable.  You should **not** rely
 * on the presence of tp$iter on the object as a good test, as it could be a user defined
 * class with `__iter__` defined or ``__getitem__``  This tests for all of those cases
 * @param arg {Object}   A Python object
 * @returns {boolean} true if the object is iterable
Sk.builtin.checkIterable = function (arg) {
    var ret = false;
    if (arg !== null ) {
        try {
            ret = Sk.abstr.iter(arg);
            if (ret) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof Sk.builtin.TypeError) {
                return false;
            } else {
                throw e;
    return ret;
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkIterable", Sk.builtin.checkIterable);

Sk.builtin.checkCallable = function (obj) {
    // takes care of builtin functions and methods, builtins
    if (typeof obj === "function") {
        return true;
    // takes care of python function, methods and lambdas
    if (obj instanceof Sk.builtin.func) {
        return true;
    // takes care of instances of methods
    if (obj instanceof Sk.builtin.method) {
        return true;
    // go up the prototype chain to see if the class has a __call__ method
    if (Sk.abstr.lookupSpecial(obj, Sk.builtin.str.$call) !== undefined) {
        return true;
    return false;

Sk.builtin.checkNumber = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null && (typeof arg === "number" ||
        arg instanceof Sk.builtin.int_ ||
        arg instanceof Sk.builtin.float_ ||
        arg instanceof Sk.builtin.lng));
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkNumber", Sk.builtin.checkNumber);

 * Checks for complex type, delegates to internal method
 * Most skulpt users would search here!
Sk.builtin.checkComplex = function (arg) {
    return Sk.builtin.complex._complex_check(arg);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkComplex", Sk.builtin.checkComplex);

Sk.builtin.checkInt = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null) && ((typeof arg === "number" && arg === (arg | 0)) ||
        arg instanceof Sk.builtin.int_ ||
        arg instanceof Sk.builtin.lng);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkInt", Sk.builtin.checkInt);

Sk.builtin.checkFloat = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null) && (arg instanceof Sk.builtin.float_);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkFloat", Sk.builtin.checkFloat);

Sk.builtin.checkString = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null && arg.__class__ == Sk.builtin.str);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkString", Sk.builtin.checkString);

Sk.builtin.checkClass = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null &&$type);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkClass", Sk.builtin.checkClass);

Sk.builtin.checkBool = function (arg) {
    return (arg instanceof Sk.builtin.bool);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkBool", Sk.builtin.checkBool);

Sk.builtin.checkNone = function (arg) {
    return (arg instanceof Sk.builtin.none);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkNone", Sk.builtin.checkNone);

Sk.builtin.checkFunction = function (arg) {
    return (arg !== null &&$call !== undefined);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.checkFunction", Sk.builtin.checkFunction);

 * @constructor
 * Sk.builtin.func
 * @description
 * This function converts a Javascript function into a Python object that is callable.  Or just
 * think of it as a Python function rather than a Javascript function now.  This is an important
 * distinction in skulpt because once you have Python function you cannot just call it.
 * You must now use Sk.misceval.callsim to call the Python function.
 * @param {Function} code the javascript implementation of this function
 * @param {Object=} globals the globals where this function was defined.
 * Can be undefined (which will be stored as null) for builtins. (is
 * that ok?)
 * @param {Object=} closure dict of free variables
 * @param {Object=} closure2 another dict of free variables that will be
 * merged into 'closure'. there's 2 to simplify generated code (one is $free,
 * the other is $cell)
 * closure is the cell variables from the parent scope that we need to close
 * over. closure2 is the free variables in the parent scope that we also might
 * need to access.
 * NOTE: co_varnames and co_name are defined by compiled code only, so we have
 * to access them via dict-style lookup for closure.
Sk.builtin.func = function (code, globals, closure, closure2) {
    if (!(this instanceof Sk.builtin.func)) {
        // otherwise it assigned .func_code and .func_globals somewhere and in certain
        // situations that will cause a lot of strange errors.
        throw new Error("builtin func should be called as a class with `new`");

    var k;
    this.func_code = code;
    this.func_globals = globals || null;
    if (closure2 !== undefined) {
        // todo; confirm that modification here can't cause problems
        for (k in closure2) {
            closure[k] = closure2[k];

    this["$d"] = {
        "__name__": code["co_name"],
        "__class__": Sk.builtin.func
    this.func_closure = closure;$name = (this.func_code && this.func_code["co_name"] && this.func_code["co_name"].v) || || "<native JS>";
    return this;

Sk.abstr.setUpInheritance("function", Sk.builtin.func, Sk.builtin.object);

Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.func", Sk.builtin.func);$name = "function";$descr_get = function (obj, objtype) {
    Sk.asserts.assert(!(obj === undefined && objtype === undefined));
    if (objtype &&$name in Sk.builtin && Sk.builtin[$name] === objtype) {
        // it's a builtin
        return new Sk.builtin.method(this, obj, objtype, true);
    return new Sk.builtin.method(this, obj, objtype);

Sk.builtin.func.pythonFunctions = ["__get__"];

Sk.builtin.func.prototype.__get__ = function __get__(self, instance, owner) {
    Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgsLen("__get__", arguments.length, 1, 2, false, true);
    if (instance === Sk.builtin.none.none$ && owner === Sk.builtin.none.none$) {
        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("__get__(None, None) is invalid");

    return$descr_get(instance, owner);
};$getname = function () {
    return (this.func_code && this.func_code["co_name"] && this.func_code["co_name"].v) || || "<native JS>";
};$call = function (args, kw) {
    var i;
    var kwix;
    var varnames = this.func_code.co_varnames || [];
    var defaults = this.func_code.$defaults || [];
    var kwargsarr = [];
    var expectskw = this.func_code["co_kwargs"];
    var name;
    var nargs = args.length;
    var varargs = [];
    var defaultsNeeded = varnames.length - nargs > defaults.length ? defaults.length : varnames.length - nargs;
    var offset = varnames.length - defaults.length;

    if (this.func_code["no_kw"] && kw) {
        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError($getname() + "() takes no keyword arguments");

    if (kw) {
        for (i = 0; i < kw.length; i += 2) {
            if (varnames && ((kwix = varnames.indexOf(kw[i])) !== -1)) {
                if (kwix < nargs) {
                    name =$getname();
                    if (name in Sk.builtins && this === Sk.builtins[name]) {
                        throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("Argument given by name ('" + kw[i] + "') and position (" + (kwix + 1) + ")");
                    throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(name + "() got multiple values for keyword argument '" + kw[i] + "'");
                varargs[kwix] = kw[i + 1];
            } else if (expectskw) {
                // build kwargs dict
                kwargsarr.push(new Sk.builtin.str(kw[i]));
                kwargsarr.push(kw[i + 1]);
            } else {
                name =$getname();
                if (name in Sk.builtins && this === Sk.builtins[name]) {
                    throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError("'" + kw[i] + "' is an invalid keyword argument for this function");
                throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError(name + "() got an unexpected keyword argument '" + kw[i] + "'");

    // add defaults if there are enough because if we add them and leave a hole in the args array, pycheckargs doesn't work correctly
    // maybe we should fix pycheckargs too though.
    if (defaultsNeeded <= defaults.length) {
        for (i = defaults.length - defaultsNeeded; i < defaults.length; i++) {
            if (!varargs[offset + i]) {
                varargs[offset + i] = defaults[i];

    // add arguments found in varargs
    for (i = 0; i < varargs.length; i++) {
        if (varargs[i]) {
            args[i] = varargs[i];

    if (kw && nargs < varnames.length - defaults.length) {
        for (i = nargs; i < varnames.length - defaults.length; i++) {
            if (kw.indexOf(varnames[i]) === -1) {
                throw new Sk.builtin.TypeError($getname() + "() takes atleast " + (varnames.length - defaults.length) + " arguments (" + (nargs + varargs.filter(function(x) { return x; }).length) +  " given)");

    if (this.func_closure) {
        // todo; OK to modify?
        if (varnames) {
            // Make sure all default arguments are in args before adding closure
            for (i = args.length; i < varnames.length; i++) {


    if (expectskw) {

    // note: functions expect 'this' to be globals to avoid having to
    // slice/unshift onto the main args
    return this.func_code.apply(this.func_globals, args);

Sk.builtin.func.prototype["$r"] = function () {
    var name =$getname();
    if (name in Sk.builtins && this === Sk.builtins[name]) {
        return new Sk.builtin.str("<built-in function " + name + ">");
    } else {
        return new Sk.builtin.str("<function " + name + ">");