Source: import.js

 * @namespace Sk

// this is stored into sys specially, rather than created by sys
Sk.sysmodules = new Sk.builtin.dict([]);
Sk.realsyspath = undefined;

 * @param {string} name to look for
 * @param {string} ext extension to use (.py or .js)
 * @param {Object=} searchPath an iterable set of path strings
Sk.importSearchPathForName = function (name, ext, searchPath) {
    var fn;
    var j;
    var fns = [];
    var nameAsPath = name.replace(/\./g, "/");
    var it, i;

    var tryPathAndBreakOnSuccess = function(filename, packagePath) {
        return Sk.misceval.chain(
            Sk.misceval.tryCatch(function() {
            }, function(e) { /* Exceptions signal "not found" */ }),
            function(code) {
                if (code !== undefined) {
                    // This will cause the iterFor() to return the specified value
                    return new Sk.misceval.Break({filename: filename, code: code, packagePath: packagePath});

    if (searchPath === undefined) {
        searchPath = Sk.realsyspath;

    return Sk.misceval.iterFor($iter(), function(pathStr) {
        // For each element of path, try loading the module, and if that
        // doesn't work, try the corresponding package.
        return Sk.misceval.chain(
            tryPathAndBreakOnSuccess(pathStr.v + "/" + nameAsPath + ext, false), // module
            function(r) {
                return r ? r : tryPathAndBreakOnSuccess(pathStr.v + "/" + nameAsPath + "/__init__" + ext,
                                                        pathStr.v + "/" + nameAsPath); // package

 * Complete any initialization of Python classes which relies on internal
 * dependencies.
 * This includes making Python classes subclassable and ensuring that the
 * {@link Sk.builtin.object} magic methods are wrapped inside Python functions.
 * @return {undefined}
Sk.doOneTimeInitialization = function (canSuspend) {
    var proto, name, i, x, func, typesWithFunctionsToWrap, builtin_type, j;

    // can't fill these out when making the type because tuple/dict aren't
    // defined yet.
    Sk.builtin.type.basesStr_ = new Sk.builtin.str("__bases__");
    Sk.builtin.type.mroStr_ = new Sk.builtin.str("__mro__");

    // Register a Python class with an internal dictionary, which allows it to
    // be subclassed
    var setUpClass = function (child) {
        var parent =$base;
        var bases = [];
        var base;

        for (base = parent; base !== undefined; base =$base) {
        }$mro = new Sk.builtin.tuple([child]);
        if (!$base){
  $base = bases[0];
        child["$d"] = new Sk.builtin.dict([]);
        child["$d"].mp$ass_subscript(Sk.builtin.type.basesStr_, new Sk.builtin.tuple(bases));

    for (x in Sk.builtin) {
        func = Sk.builtin[x];
        if ((func.prototype instanceof Sk.builtin.object ||
             func === Sk.builtin.object) && !$abstract) {

    // Wrap the inner Javascript code of Sk.builtin.object's Python methods inside
    // Sk.builtin.func, as that class was undefined when these functions were declared
    typesWithFunctionsToWrap = [Sk.builtin.object, Sk.builtin.type, Sk.builtin.func, Sk.builtin.method];

    for (i = 0; i < typesWithFunctionsToWrap.length; i++) {
        builtin_type = typesWithFunctionsToWrap[i];
        proto = builtin_type.prototype;
        for (j = 0; j < builtin_type.pythonFunctions.length; j++) {
            name = builtin_type.pythonFunctions[j];

            if (proto[name] instanceof Sk.builtin.func) {
                // If functions have already been initialized, do not wrap again.

            proto[name].co_kwargs = null;
            proto[name] = new Sk.builtin.func(proto[name]);

    // compile internal python files and add them to the __builtin__ module
    for (var file in Sk.internalPy.files) {
        var fileWithoutExtension = file.split(".")[0].split("/")[1];
        var mod = Sk.importBuiltinWithBody(fileWithoutExtension, false, Sk.internalPy.files[file], true);
        mod = Sk.misceval.retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow(mod);
        Sk.asserts.assert(mod["$d"][fileWithoutExtension] !== undefined, "Should have imported name " + fileWithoutExtension);
        Sk.builtins[fileWithoutExtension] = mod["$d"][fileWithoutExtension];

 * currently only pull once from Sk.syspath. User might want to change
 * from js or from py.
Sk.importSetUpPath = function (canSuspend) {
    var i;
    var paths;
    if (!Sk.realsyspath) {
        paths = [
            new Sk.builtin.str("src/builtin"),
            new Sk.builtin.str("src/lib"),
            new Sk.builtin.str(".")
        for (i = 0; i < Sk.syspath.length; ++i) {
            paths.push(new Sk.builtin.str(Sk.syspath[i]));
        Sk.realsyspath = new Sk.builtin.list(paths);


 * @param {string} name name of module to import
 * @param {boolean=} dumpJS whether to output the generated js code
 * @param {string=} modname what to call the module after it's imported if
 * it's to be renamed (i.e. __main__)
 * @param {string=} suppliedPyBody use as the body of the text for the module
 * rather than'ing it.
 * @param {Object=} relativeToPackage perform import relative to this package
 * @param {boolean=} returnUndefinedOnTopLevelNotFound return 'undefined' rather than throwing ImportError if the *first* load failed
 * @param {boolean=} canSuspend whether we may return a Suspension object
Sk.importModuleInternal_ = function (name, dumpJS, modname, suppliedPyBody, relativeToPackage, returnUndefinedOnTopLevelNotFound, canSuspend) {
    //dumpJS = true;
    var filename;
    var prev;
    var parentModName;
    var parentModule;
    var modNameSplit;
    var ret;
    var module;
    var topLevelModuleToReturn = null;
    var relativePackageName = relativeToPackage !== undefined ?$getattr(Sk.builtin.str.$name) : undefined;
    var absolutePackagePrefix = relativePackageName !== undefined ? relativePackageName.v + "." : "";
    var searchPath = relativeToPackage !== undefined ?$getattr(Sk.builtin.str.$path) : undefined;

    if (relativeToPackage && !relativePackageName) {
        if (returnUndefinedOnTopLevelNotFound) {
            return undefined;
        } else {
            throw new Sk.builtin.ValueError("Attempted to import relative to invalid package (no name)");

    // if no module name override, supplied, use default name
    if (modname === undefined) {
        modname = absolutePackagePrefix + name;

    modNameSplit = name.split(".");

    // if leaf is already in sys.modules, early out
    try {
        prev =$subscript(modname);
        // if we're a dotted module, return the top level, otherwise ourselves
        if (modNameSplit.length > 1) {
            return$subscript(absolutePackagePrefix + modNameSplit[0]);
        } else {
            return prev;
    } catch (x) {
        // not in sys.modules, continue

    if (modNameSplit.length > 1) {
        // if we're a module inside a package (i.e. a.b.c), then we'll need to return the
        // top-level package ('a'). recurse upwards on our parent, importing
        // all parent packages. so, here we're importing 'a.b', which will in
        // turn import 'a', and then return 'a' eventually.
        parentModName = modNameSplit.slice(0, modNameSplit.length - 1).join(".");
        topLevelModuleToReturn = Sk.importModuleInternal_(parentModName, dumpJS, undefined, undefined, relativeToPackage, returnUndefinedOnTopLevelNotFound, canSuspend);

    ret = Sk.misceval.chain(topLevelModuleToReturn, function(topLevelModuleToReturn_) {
        var codeAndPath, co, googClosure;
        var searchFileName = name;
        var result;

        topLevelModuleToReturn = topLevelModuleToReturn_;

        // If we're inside a package, look search using its __path__
        if (modNameSplit.length > 1) {
            if (!topLevelModuleToReturn) {
                return undefined;
            parentModule =$subscript(absolutePackagePrefix + parentModName);
            searchFileName = modNameSplit[modNameSplit.length-1];
            searchPath =$getattr(Sk.builtin.str.$path);

        // otherwise:
        // - create module object
        // - add module object to sys.modules
        // - compile source to (function(){...});
        // - run module and set the module locals returned to the module __dict__
        module = new Sk.builtin.module();

        if (suppliedPyBody) {
            filename = name + ".py";
            co = Sk.compile(suppliedPyBody, filename, "exec", canSuspend);
        } else {
            co = Sk.misceval.chain(undefined, function() {
                // If an onBeforeImport method is supplied, call it and if
                // the result is false or a string, prevent the import.
                // This allows for a user to conditionally prevent the usage
                // of certain libraries.
                if (Sk.onBeforeImport && typeof Sk.onBeforeImport === "function") {
                    return Sk.onBeforeImport(name);

            }, function(result) {
                if (result === false) {
                    throw new Sk.builtin.ImportError("Importing " + name + " is not allowed");
                } else if (typeof result === "string") {
                    throw new Sk.builtin.ImportError(result);

                // Try loading as a builtin (i.e. already in JS) module, then try .py files
                return Sk.importSearchPathForName(searchFileName, ".js", searchPath);
            }, function(codeAndPath) {
                if (codeAndPath) {
                    return {
                        funcname: "$builtinmodule", code: codeAndPath.code,
                        filename: codeAndPath.filename, packagePath: codeAndPath.packagePath
                } else {
                    return Sk.misceval.chain(Sk.importSearchPathForName(searchFileName, ".py", searchPath), function(codeAndPath_) {
                        codeAndPath = codeAndPath_; // We'll want it in a moment
                        if (codeAndPath) {
                            return Sk.compile(codeAndPath.code, codeAndPath.filename, "exec", canSuspend);
                    }, function(co) {
                        if (co) {
                            co.packagePath = codeAndPath.packagePath;
                            return co;

        return co;

    }, function(co) {

        var finalcode;
        var withLineNumbers;
        var modscope;

        if (!co) {
            return undefined;

        // Now we know this module exists, we can add it to the cache$ass_subscript(modname, module);

        module.$js = co.code; // todo; only in DEBUG?
        finalcode = co.code;

        if (filename == null) {
            filename = co.filename;

        if (Sk.dateSet == null || !Sk.dateSet) {
            finalcode = "Sk.execStart = Sk.lastYield = new Date();\n" + co.code;
            Sk.dateSet = true;

        // if (!COMPILED)
        // {
        if (dumpJS) {
            withLineNumbers = function (code) {
                var j;
                var pad;
                var width;
                var i;
                var beaut = Sk.js_beautify(code);
                var lines = beaut.split("\n");
                for (i = 1; i <= lines.length; ++i) {
                    width = ("" + i).length;
                    pad = "";
                    for (j = width; j < 5; ++j) {
                        pad += " ";
                    lines[i - 1] = "/* " + pad + i + " */ " + lines[i - 1];
                return lines.join("\n");
            finalcode = withLineNumbers(finalcode);
        // }

        finalcode += "\n" + co.funcname + ";";

        modscope =["eval"](finalcode);

        module["$d"] = {
            "__name__": new Sk.builtin.str(modname),
            "__doc__": Sk.builtin.none.none$,
            "__package__": co.packagePath ? new Sk.builtin.str(modname) :
            parentModName ? new Sk.builtin.str(absolutePackagePrefix + parentModName) :
            relativePackageName ? relativePackageName : Sk.builtin.none.none$
        if (co.packagePath) {
            module["$d"]["__path__"] = new Sk.builtin.tuple([new Sk.builtin.str(co.packagePath)]);

        return modscope(module["$d"]);

    }, function (modlocs) {
        var i;

        if (modlocs === undefined) {
            if (returnUndefinedOnTopLevelNotFound && !topLevelModuleToReturn) {
                return undefined;
            } else {
                throw new Sk.builtin.ImportError("No module named " + name);

        // Some builtin modules replace their globals entirely.
        // For their benefit, we copy over any of the standard
        // dunder-values they didn't supply.
        if (modlocs !== module["$d"]) {
            for (i in module["$d"]) {
                if (!modlocs[i]) {
                    modlocs[i] = module["$d"][i];
            module["$d"] = modlocs;

        // If an onAfterImport method is defined on the global Sk
        // then call it now after a library has been successfully imported
        // and compiled.
        if (Sk.onAfterImport && typeof Sk.onAfterImport === "function") {
            try {
            } catch (e) {

        if (topLevelModuleToReturn) {
            // if we were a dotted name, then we want to return the top-most
            // package. we store ourselves into our parent as an attribute
  $setattr(new Sk.builtin.str(modNameSplit[modNameSplit.length - 1]), module);
            //print("import returning parent module, modname", modname, "__name__",$getattr("__name__").v);
            return topLevelModuleToReturn;

        if (relativeToPackage) {
  $setattr(new Sk.builtin.str(name), module);

        //print("name", name, "modname", modname, "returning leaf");
        // otherwise we return the actual module that we just imported
        return module;

    return canSuspend ? ret : Sk.misceval.retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow(ret);

 * @param {string} name the module name
 * @param {boolean=} dumpJS print out the js code after compilation for debugging
 * @param {boolean=} canSuspend can this function suspend and return a Suspension object?
Sk.importModule = function (name, dumpJS, canSuspend) {
    return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, dumpJS, undefined, undefined, undefined, false, canSuspend);

Sk.importMain = function (name, dumpJS, canSuspend) {
    Sk.dateSet = false;
    Sk.filesLoaded = false;
    // Added to reset imports
    Sk.sysmodules = new Sk.builtin.dict([]);
    Sk.realsyspath = undefined;


    return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, dumpJS, "__main__", undefined, undefined, false, canSuspend);

 * **Run Python Code in Skulpt**
 * When you want to hand Skulpt a string corresponding to a Python program this is the function.
 * @param name {string}  File name to use for messages related to this run
 * @param dumpJS {boolean} print out the compiled javascript
 * @param body {string} Python Code
 * @param canSuspend {boolean}  Use Suspensions for async execution
Sk.importMainWithBody = function (name, dumpJS, body, canSuspend) {
    Sk.dateSet = false;
    Sk.filesLoaded = false;
    // Added to reset imports
    Sk.sysmodules = new Sk.builtin.dict([]);
    Sk.realsyspath = undefined;


    return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, dumpJS, "__main__", body, undefined, false, canSuspend);

 * Imports internal python files into the `__builtin__` module. Used during startup
 * to compile and import all *.py files from the src/ directory.
 * @param name {string}  File name to use for messages related to this run
 * @param dumpJS {boolean} print out the compiled javascript
 * @param body {string} Python Code
 * @param canSuspend {boolean}  Use Suspensions for async execution
Sk.importBuiltinWithBody = function (name, dumpJS, body, canSuspend) {
    return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, dumpJS, "__builtin__."+name, body, undefined, false, canSuspend);

Sk.builtin.__import__ = function (name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) {
    //print("Importing: ", JSON.stringify(name), JSON.stringify(fromlist), level);
    //if (name == "") { debugger; }

    // Save the Sk.globals variable importModuleInternal_ may replace it when it compiles
    // a Python language module.
    var saveSk = Sk.globals;

    // This might be a relative import, so first we get hold of the module object
    // representing this module's package (so we can search its __path__).
    // module.__package__ contains its name, so we use that to look it up in sys.modules.

    var relativeToPackage;
    var relativeToPackageName;
    var relativeToPackageNames;

    if (level === undefined) {
        level = Sk.__future__.absolute_import ? 0 : -1;

    if (level !== 0 && globals["__package__"] && globals["__package__"] !== Sk.builtin.none.none$) {
        relativeToPackageName = globals["__package__"].v;
        if (relativeToPackageName && level > 0) {
            // Trim <level> packages off the end
            relativeToPackageNames = relativeToPackageName.split(".");
            if (level-1 >= relativeToPackageNames.length) {
                throw new Sk.builtin.ValueError("Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package");
            relativeToPackageNames.length -= level-1;
            relativeToPackageName = relativeToPackageNames.join(".");
        try {
            relativeToPackage =$subscript(relativeToPackageName);
        } catch(e) {
            relativeToPackageName = undefined;

    if (level > 0 && relativeToPackage === undefined) {
        throw new Sk.builtin.ValueError("Attempted relative import in non-package");

    var dottedName = name.split(".");
    var firstDottedName = dottedName[0];

    return Sk.misceval.chain(undefined, function() {
        // Attempt local load first (and just fall through to global
        // case if level == -1 and we fail to load the top-level package)
        if (level !== 0 && relativeToPackage !== undefined) {
            if (name === "") {
                // "from .. import ..."
                return relativeToPackage;
            } else {
                return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, undefined, relativeToPackageName + "." + name, undefined, relativeToPackage, level==-1, true);
    }, function(ret) {
        if (ret === undefined) {
            // Either it was always a global import, or it was an
            // either-way import that just fell through.
            relativeToPackage = undefined;
            relativeToPackageName = undefined;
            return Sk.importModuleInternal_(name, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, false, true);
        } else {
            return ret;
    }, function(ret) {
        // We might also have to load modules named by the fromlist.
        // If there is no fromlist, we have reached the end of the lookup, return
        if (!fromlist || fromlist.length === 0) {
            return ret;
        } else {
            // try to load from-names as modules from the file system
            // if they are not present on the module itself
            var i;
            var fromName;
            var leafModule;
            var importChain;

            leafModule =$subscript(
                (relativeToPackageName || "") +
                    ((relativeToPackageName && name) ? "." : "") +

            for (i = 0; i < fromlist.length; i++) {
                fromName = fromlist[i];

                // "ret" is the module we're importing from
                // Only import from file system if we have not found the fromName in the current module
                if (fromName != "*" &&$getattr(new Sk.builtin.str(fromName)) === undefined) {
                    importChain = Sk.misceval.chain(importChain,
                                                    Sk.importModuleInternal_.bind(null, fromName, undefined, undefined, undefined, leafModule, true, true)


            return Sk.misceval.chain(importChain, function() {
                // if there's a fromlist we want to return the leaf module
                // (ret), not the toplevel namespace
                return leafModule;

    }, function(ret) {
        if (saveSk !== Sk.globals) {
            Sk.globals = saveSk;
        return ret;

Sk.importStar = function (module, loc, global) {
    var i;
    var props = Object["getOwnPropertyNames"](module["$d"]);
    for (i in props) {
        if (props[i].charAt(0) != "_") {
            loc[props[i]] = module["$d"][props[i]];

Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.importMain", Sk.importMain);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.importMainWithBody", Sk.importMainWithBody);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.importBuiltinWithBody", Sk.importBuiltinWithBody);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.builtin.__import__", Sk.builtin.__import__);
Sk.exportSymbol("Sk.importStar", Sk.importStar);